Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mitch's Daddy

No, we are not about to reveal who the real red-headed baby daddy is.

This week at school, Mitch's class has been talking about their daddies, since the dad's tend to get completely gypped out of cool hand-made cards as Father's Day falls during summer break. Here are some of Mitch's thoughts about his daddy, as dictated to Ms. Pam:

My daddy is special because...he loves to build with me.

When I do something wrong my Dad...takes me to time-out in my room.

My favorite thing my Dad cooks is...nothing because he makes my mom cook everything. He is just the eater.

When my dad cooks...I tell you, he never cooks. He doesn't want to.

My Dad is ____ years old. I don't know. He's big. I'll tell you tomorrow. I'll ask him tonight and I'll bet he'll tell you.

My Dad's favorite thing to do with me.

I love my Dad because....I just do. I just love my Daddy.


Van Brunt Family said...

Please tell the cook, the eater, the whoa-train conductor, and bridge repairmen that all of their antics put a smile on the VBs' faces!

yimkids said...

too sweet. It makes me want keep know when you were teaching and you got some "keeper" notes from kids? That's a "keeper"!