Monday, January 19, 2009

Are you kidding me?

6 pm Monday evening: I just got a call from the kids' school. School tomorrow has been cancelled. In preparation for the Winter Storm that is approaching. They are predicting anywhere between a dusting and one whole inch of snow to fall in a twelve hour period. I was at Wal-mart today. People are stocking up in preparation. There was no bread or milk. Don't worry, everyone. The boys and I are taking proper precautions. We have the snow shovels ready. Scarves and mittens are laid out in preparation for the blizzard. If you don't hear from me for a few days, it is because I am holed up in my house waiting for Spring. Oh, the humanity!

1 comment:

Van Brunt Family said...

No, they're not kidding you. And FYI, Southerners are not, NOT, able to drive in a dusting of snow. For your own safety, and that of your children, stay inside.