Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Future Mensa member...

Someone please alert the society for really smart-like people and stuff, because we definitely have a hot prospect on our hands.

Matty:  "Mom, if you change the first letter in milk to a d. you have dilk."

Me:  "Thank you, Matty."

Matty:  "Dilk, mom.  Dilk."

Two minutes later:
Matty:  "When I grow up, I am going to make a one piece puzzle."

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Getting a jump on the holiday rush....

Dear Santa,

This year, for Christmas, I would like a remote control spitting cobra that spits real poison at people.

I love you, Santa.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Our Child...Judas

In church this morning, after we all turned off our cell phones and the priest processed in and we were all settled, the kids headed to the front for a quick blessing and then went off with the poor woman who conducts a "children's church" session.

When they returned, Mitch leaned in, with a very serious look on his face and said, "Dad.  We saw  a guy with an Ohio State shirt on."  He then leans forward in his seat, spots the offending party, and states (loudly) while directly pointing, "AND THERE HE IS!"

Bo would be proud, son.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Good to Know....

Me:  Matty, have you been learning a lot in kindergarten so far?

Matty:  Yup.  Like lots of rules.

Me:  What is one of the rules that your teacher has taught you?

Matty:  Do not...drink....the holy water.

Oh dear.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Summer Photo-Rama

Ahhhh.....summer.  It was wonderful.  Everything a summer should be.  Relaxing.  Hot.  Fun.  Hot.  Sunny.  Hot.

Here are some photos from the summer's haps.  In no particular order. Because I am not really one for order. No siree.  Not me. I am more of a free spirit.

Yeah.  Right.

Matty turned 5!  Here is our five-year-old at his birthday party.  Bouncy castles and cake.  And a great time was had by all.

Mitch turned 7!!  Here is our second-grader with a buddy at his bowling party, and also our resident army-guy with his new canteen.  Lookin' good, soldier!

Then, off to Michigan!  First stop, Grandma Julie's!  The boys had their first trip to Comerica to watch the Tigers.  They loved it!  They were glued to their seats with every pitch.  Either that, or Grandma Julie was awesome and took them for frequent walks all around the stadium while Mike and I enjoyed the game with Becky and Mr. Mike.  Can't really remember.

 Then, Lake Huron time!  Jet skis!  Walks on the harbor wall!  Sunsets!

Crazy Matty faces!  Seriously, he makes this face in every picture. 

Then, Mike and I got all gussied up and headed to a good friend's wedding.  On a yacht.  With college friends! 

Next up on our tour was a stop in beloved Ann Arbor for a healthy dose of Maize and Blue Brainwashing.  My husband shed a silent tear of joy as the boys came running up to him in the M-Den, each carrying Michigan Football Jerseys, asking if they may have them.  Yes, boys.  You certainly may.

Then, it was off to Grandma and Papa's house for some country gator ridin' and beach goin'.

       And, alas, summer was also incredibly short.  In fact, this is "School Starts Tomorrow Eve."  The boys are nestled, snug in their beds, with no hopes of sleeping soon as they have been going to bed bed at ten and my attempts at getting them back on a reasonable schedule have failed miserably. 
     This also means that I am about to get sucked into the world of fourth grade and may not surface for quite some time.  I hope to be a better blogger.  I hope to take more time to document the loving chaos that is our family. 

I hope to take more time to smell the roses. 
Or at least post more pictures of Matty and his crazy face. And, look.  He's armed in this one!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I Don't Mean to Toot My Own Horn, But....

When you're good, you're good.  I am referring, of course, to our mad parenting abilities.

Mike and I have totally got it going on.  It is the parents' duty to nurture their children, to instill a sense of self-confidence and esteem, to help them reach for the stars and realize their full potential.  To create well-rounded and contributing members of society.  As parents, we are all over it!

Our younger child, upon reaching adulthood, is going to be...Bugs Bunny.  He informed us that he plans to live in a hole in the ground right next to our house.  He will pass his days square dancing with bearded men and helping young penguins escape from overgrown Eskimo types.  He can frequently be found, wandering aimlessly around the house muttering the likes of, "I knew I should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque," and "La-di-da-di-da-di-hocus-pooooocus."  In, what can clearly only be an attempt to avoid copyright infringement, he also states, "What's up, Jack."  See, we are parenting rock stars.

And, not to be outdone, Mitch has equally high aspirations.  Last week there was talk of him attending our beloved alma mater, Michigan, and triple majoring in mechanical, material, and electrical engineering, but, come on.  Can you say, "Boooooring?"  He now plans to fore go college altogether, move to Utah, and build what he describes as an "ice base" in the mountains.   He then plans to start his own army.  Of one. 

He says, "ice base."  I hear, "compound."

Now, family is very important to us as well.  Last month, Mitch stated that he was not going to have any children because, "they cost too much. " He also was not planning on ever getting married because he would, "have to spend all of that money on a ring."  Never fear!  Our little problem solver has been working hard.  He now also plans to "not have a job, but I will just mine for gold and diamonds in the mountains.  Then, when I find some, I will make a ring to give to the girl and it won't even cost me anything.  She can work in my ice base with me, and our kids can be part of the army!"  Pardon me if I am mistaken, but didn't David Koresh use a similar pick up line on several of his wives?

So, there you have it.  A cartoon rabbit and a Neo-Nazi Jed Clampett.  Don't you just wish Mike and I could bottle our parenting skills and send you all some?!?    Feel free to email your questions.  We will gladly ponder and then send our feedback.

And then promptly do the opposite of what we say.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

He's a Planner!

Mitch: "Mom?"

Me:  non-committal "Hmmm..."

Mitch:  "What if you died and you were home alone with us, taking care of us?  We don't even know dad's number at work.  What would we do?"

Me:  "Baby,  don't worry.  Nothing is going to happen to me."

Mitch:  "But what if you die and there is no one here with us?"

Me:  "Go get a grown up from the neighbor's house."

Mitch:  "OK, mom.  Thanks."

OK, OK. I'll Try.

To blog again.  It's just that somewhere between birthdays and T-Ball and teaching and homework and...life...a few things had to give.  And since they were definitely NOT going to be neurotically vacuuming my house, drinking beer, and drinking beer while vacuuming my house, it appears that blogging may have slipped through the cracks.  But I will try.  I will try to get back into it, as this is the closest thing to a babybook that my kids will ever have.  Basically, me mocking them in typeface, for all the world (or the two people who will check this who actually haven't totally written me off) to see.  I'll go put a few more dollars in the future therapy fund after I post this.

Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, screams the 4th of July like weird hats, homemade bike decorations, and crashing a golf cart parade!  Happy Birthday, America!