Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hooligans + Zoo = Zooligans!

We love our zoo. I mean, we really LOVE our zoo. Just on a normal, random Tuesday, it is great. Clean. Organized. Easy to navigate. The animals seem to live in niced sized enclosures and seem to be fairly content with their lot in life. But, on a holiday, such as Halloween or Christmas, our zoo becomes fantastic. We went on Monday night to the Lights Before Christmas. We saw the zebras and the elephants (Matty's favorites) and all the green Christmas lights (Mitch's favorites) and waited in a very short line to see Santa.

Both boys rushed him. Matty actually did some excited skippy, hoppy sort of thing...all the while yelling "I want trains! I want trains!" Mitch hopped right up and proceeded to talk Santa's beard off, all about how Bruder toys are made in Germany and the plastic is heated and shot into heavy duty molds (Thanks, Bruder, for the informational DVD with the last order). Santa was a very nice Santa. He did not rush them. Did not mind me taking pictures. And acted like he cared a whole bunch about where Bruder toys are made.

1 comment:

Susannah said...

Your kids provide me much amusement!