Monday, February 1, 2010

Parenting Headscratcher...

Sometimes, your kids just don't make sense.  Often, I try to make sense of their actions or behaviors, try to teach them, blah blah blah.  I am not touching this one with a ten foot pole.  I don't really want to know what exactly was going on in his brain.

Matty was violently ill all day Saturday.  Throwing up every fifteen minutes.  Couldn't keep anything down, and Mike and I were on "fever watch" lest he experience another seizure and earn himself a trip to the ER.

He seemd MUCH improved yesterday, and pretty much back to normal this morning, so we headed to school.

I dropped him off without incident, but they came to get me forty-five minutes later saying that he had been crying the entire time and was beside himself.  They had never seen him like this!  He needed me, and they were all scrambling downstairs to try to find a sub who could come in last minute and take over, as I was clearly heading home with a sick child.  I ran downstairs, he saw me and said, "I have to go potty!"  Within two minutes, he was sitting on the potty, laughing and calling to me, "Mommy!  My poo-poo looks like a dolphin today!!"

Back to class he went.  He was fine after that.  I don't even want to know.

This story, brought to you by THIS guy-

PS-  For John and Sandy, I found him upstairs the other day playing with this.  "Mommy, this is my racecar I made!  It's Jimmy Johnson.  See, a 4 and an 8!"  Way to go, World's Most Unlikely Nascar Fans!  It's rubbing off!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We knew we would break through with him so we just kept working on it...he gets extra "junk" from Darlington!

As for the other behavior - he is all yours!
