Friday, February 26, 2010

The following is an email my hilarious sister sent to our mother today in response to my mom asking her about her date last night.  Consider it a Happy Friday present.  Enjoy.

Hi Mom,
I am dead and lying in a ditch because Kansas abducted me. Just kidding. We eloped. He doesn't have a job or a place to live, so I am letting him stay with me for awhile until he kicks his meth habit and gains some weight back. I hope his pit bulls like my cats!
Love Melissa
PS I'll write more later.

You're welcome.


Anonymous said...

now is this cat's name really Kansas? That would certainly put things in a new state...?

Stephanie Coyne said...

I vote for Aunt Mimi to move to Columbia, SC and the two of you should write a book.

A very funny book.

Anonymous said...

We really do need to write a book together. Well, you write and I illustrate!
Love Mimi