Friday, September 11, 2009

More stuff...

Ahhhh....can you hear that sigh of relief? Our computer has been healed. The demons have been exorcised. Let the blogging begin.

*We have been applying for some assistance through a federal program designed to help military members who have taken a hit in the housing market. Turns out, we have taken a hit. A suckerpunch. A good old fashioned whoopin'. We don't totally qualify, and we have been bending ears of congress people to help get the rules changed. The person who was making the most progress of our behalf? Joe Wilson. Yup. That's the Joe Wilson . The Joe Wilson who recently exclaimed "LIAR!" during the Presidential address to congress. Can you say, "DENIED?"

*There has been some progress on the home improvement front around here lately. Remember the jobsite? It used to look like this?

Well, it has been reclaimed for grown-ups, and it now looks like this. That's a fire pit in the middle, but it is covered up. Shhh....can you hear it? It is whispering...s'mores...s'mores.

And the coolest part was that this came to our house to deliver the flagstone.
*Here is a random picture of the front of our house in the summer. These yellow flowers have been blooming all summer and the butterflies love them.
*Here is Mitch in the sandpit...making his launch pad for the "Saturn 5" rocket. He is totally into space, satellites, and rocket boosters lately. We just signed him up for an afterschool MadScience program all about NASA. He is totally stoked.

Here's the Saturn 5 on take-off. That's about it for today! Have a great weekend, and GO BLUE!


Anonymous said...

He's brilliant. Uncle Dave will be soooo excited! The house looks great! I love the adult area! Can't wait to utilize it during Turkeyday!
xoxo Mimi

3 Busy Boys said...

Nice! Looks great, now can we come over for some Smores? Have you noticed how similar this house is from the BWB one from the outside? The only difference from the front is that the front door is on the other side. Love it!

yimkids said...

beautiful landscaping out there...but where's the Michigan flag? :)