Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Summer Photo-Rama

Ahhhh.....summer.  It was wonderful.  Everything a summer should be.  Relaxing.  Hot.  Fun.  Hot.  Sunny.  Hot.

Here are some photos from the summer's haps.  In no particular order. Because I am not really one for order. No siree.  Not me. I am more of a free spirit.

Yeah.  Right.

Matty turned 5!  Here is our five-year-old at his birthday party.  Bouncy castles and cake.  And a great time was had by all.

Mitch turned 7!!  Here is our second-grader with a buddy at his bowling party, and also our resident army-guy with his new canteen.  Lookin' good, soldier!

Then, off to Michigan!  First stop, Grandma Julie's!  The boys had their first trip to Comerica to watch the Tigers.  They loved it!  They were glued to their seats with every pitch.  Either that, or Grandma Julie was awesome and took them for frequent walks all around the stadium while Mike and I enjoyed the game with Becky and Mr. Mike.  Can't really remember.

 Then, Lake Huron time!  Jet skis!  Walks on the harbor wall!  Sunsets!

Crazy Matty faces!  Seriously, he makes this face in every picture. 

Then, Mike and I got all gussied up and headed to a good friend's wedding.  On a yacht.  With college friends! 

Next up on our tour was a stop in beloved Ann Arbor for a healthy dose of Maize and Blue Brainwashing.  My husband shed a silent tear of joy as the boys came running up to him in the M-Den, each carrying Michigan Football Jerseys, asking if they may have them.  Yes, boys.  You certainly may.

Then, it was off to Grandma and Papa's house for some country gator ridin' and beach goin'.

       And, alas, summer was also incredibly short.  In fact, this is "School Starts Tomorrow Eve."  The boys are nestled, snug in their beds, with no hopes of sleeping soon as they have been going to bed bed at ten and my attempts at getting them back on a reasonable schedule have failed miserably. 
     This also means that I am about to get sucked into the world of fourth grade and may not surface for quite some time.  I hope to be a better blogger.  I hope to take more time to document the loving chaos that is our family. 

I hope to take more time to smell the roses. 
Or at least post more pictures of Matty and his crazy face. And, look.  He's armed in this one!

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