Thursday, January 7, 2010

Winter Wonderland

While in Michigan over the holidays, the boys got to experience some snow.  As a baby, this is how Mitch felt about the white stuff...

Well, he's come a long, long way.  Here he is after three plus years of the South.  What?  Anyway, here is his new attitude toward snow.

Much improved, as you can see.  Little brother has always been on board, despite the fact that his 0.00% body fat does not insulate him at all and his teeth are chattering in seconds if the temperature is anywhere below 45 degrees.

While in Michigan, Grandma Julie had a brillant idea...we took the boys skiing for the first time! We mittened, we zipped, we double pantsed, we Velcroed, and finally pieced together some semblance of ski clothing for them.  We rented them teeny, tiny little skiis, hopped on the Wonder Carpets, and started yelling things like, "Pizza!  Now, French Fries!  Now, Pizza, Mitch.  Pizza!  PIZZA!"  Here are some action shots...

(Mitch and Grandma Julie)

All in all, it was a great success.  Our boys surprised us with their willingness to try new things and their perseverance.  We could not get speed demon Mitch off the slopes. 

 Matty found ways to amuse himself while we were waiting in the lodge for Mitch and Mike at the end of the day.  He comandeered the camera and started taking pictures willy nilly.  This was his favorite.

We also fit in some more wintry fun.

Fun, Matty.  I said fun.

(ice skating)

(sorry, couldn't resist.  This just cracks me up.  Get your lighters out!  Encore!)


Stephanie Coyne said...

Do these kids have a mother? How come she is NEVER in any pictures?!

Unknown said...

LOVE it! So, I'm guessing Matty has stopped drooling...I didn't see any frozen drool stuck to his jacket. :) The grandparents seem pretty hip, I must say. Looks like lots of fun!
-- Stephanie