Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Feelin' the Love....

For Mother's Day.
Here is a portrait Mitch drew of me.

Sorry it is sideways, but I think you can get the gist. Yes, that is my nose in the middle of my eyes...slightly higher on my face than my eyes. Attractive, huh? And, I have no arms. No explanation was given about my sudden amputation. Also, the green on my face is a Kleenex, as apparently I am sneezing. It must be stuck to my face, as I have no arms to hold in there. Are you just feelin' the love? And the hair, don't get me started on the hair...

I had some important errands to do recently, so I took a shower in the morning and put on a button down shirt. Mitch walks in and says, "Mom, are you getting your picture taken today or something?" Nice.

Mitch: "Mom, they gave us some fruit snacks at school but they are the gross kind I don't like, so I brought them home for you for Mother's Day!"

Matty: "Mom, your hair is too bumpy!"

See, I am feelin' it this Mother's Day. You know who else is feelin' it? The man who just was here to install some more blinds. "The Blind Man," as Mitch calls him. And, The Blind Man has been here so often that Mitch is totally comfortable with him and follows him around, watching him with his tools, and talking incessantly while giving a complete play-by-play narration. Here is a brief excerpt from the verbal landslide that is my son with "worker guys-" and for some reason, he had to say BLIND MAN really, really loudly each time...

"Mom, the BLIND MAN is getting out a drill! Mom, the BLIND MAN is drilling! Can you believe what the BLIND MAN is doing, Mom? Can you? Hey, BLIND MAN! It rained here a lot last night. We had lots of lightening and thunder. Did you have thunder at your house, BLIND MAN? Did you? Did you? Good job, BLIND MAN. Good job putting up the blinds today. See you next time!"

Feelin' the love...


Susannah said...

This is reminding me of Max and "Hey CLEANING LADY!!!" OMG, he followed her around with his commentary every time.

And that picture of you is stunning. Pablo Picasso would be proud.

Stephanie Coyne said...

He obviously loves you because he used the GREEN crayon....