Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Did you know...

*Matty, at age 27 months, is still 2 whole pounds shy of what Mitch weighed...at his 1 year-old check-up.

*Both of my parents know all of the words to the new Kid Rock song.

*The boys' dentist asked me the other day at their appointment if they are good about letting us get in there and floss their teeth. WHAT? None of their teeth even touch each other?!?

*Almost all of the other people who live in our dumb apartment complex drive much, much nicer cars than we do.

*Even though I just "stay at home with the kids," there are many days when I do not actually get around to taking a shower. How can that be?

*Self-checkout lanes at Wal-Mart are designed and implemented by Satan himself. "Welcome to Wal-Mart, your cashier today is named Mitch." A nightmare of watching a four-year-old try to scan each item, place it in the bag....usually while Matty is freaking out in the cart. A nightmare. Oh, and did you know that at our Wal-Mart, they never open regular checkout lanes. It is only 20 items or less (and we never are under 20 items) or the do-it-yourself jobbie-do. Wal-Mart is defnitely one of the circles of Hell.

1 comment:

Van Brunt Family said...

Amen to everything...I would say more, but I, too, need a shower.