Monday, July 14, 2008

Mitch Turns 4!

Big day! Here's how it all went down! (This will be a chronological, pictorial representation of our day. Highly entertaining to related parties, such as grandma's. Generally, not interesting to anyone not related to these hooligans. If you have stumbled onto this blog accidentally, there is still time to get out. It's OK. I will not be offended.)

Here are the birthday cake preparations. Don't worry- this business was authorized, and thanks to Shout Pre-Treater, the shirt recovered nicely.

Here is Mitch admiring the finished product. "Oh, Mom! Great job, Mom!"

Then, bring on the presents!
(Mitch making a pirate face...argh!)

Thank you, everyone, for the wonderful presents! I don't think the boys are going to surface for a week, they are so engrossed in new toys!

Then, into our clothes and off to an awesome children's museum. (Mitch, of course, comes running out of his room, exclaiming, "I'm all dressed in a GREAT outfit!" We were hoping that they might let us in for free, as our child has a certain homelessness to him. No such luck.)

Here we are in the "World of Work." This was a perfect little area, where the kids got right to work as farmers, firemen, and construction workers.
Then, on to the child sized grocery store, complete with real carts, fake food, and big smiles. We let the kids just go, very curious to see what they would select to put in their carts. You know, all the fruits and vegetables that they see in our home every day, at every meal. Always.

Mitch did pretty well. A nice assortment of fruit, breads (I am sure it was whole grain), and a pie for dessert. He even plans on doing a bit of laundry when he gets home (check out the bottom of the cart!)Then, there's little brother. Here is what his cart looked like. I am ashamed, but not surprised.
DOUGHNUTS! Ritz crackers, Cheese-Its, a pie, and doughnuts. Honestly...I did not even know he knew what a doughnut was...(yeah, right!)

Then out to dinner at "Rob Robin" (really Red Robin) and then back home for a few more presents and cake.

Then, green cake faces all over, the tub, books, and Good Night! Happy Birthday, Mitch!

1 comment:

Stephanie Coyne said...

What was that, like 8 wardrobe changes for young Matty? hee hee. It's all too cute - great birthday! That museum is MONEY.
Go every day.
Become members.
Maybe get a job there.

Happy Birthday Mitch!