Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I Think I Feel A Wreck Coming On....

My great friend Steph sent this link along to me a few months, and many, many laughs ago.  If you have never checked out


then please do yourself a favor.  Get a good cup of coffee, a comfy chair, and peruse.  My thoughts turn to cakes, as I am picking one up tomorrow morning in preparation for our preschool graduation.  I do not have high hopes.  Here are come factors involved:

1.  It is from Wal-mart.

2.  It is supposed to read:  "Congratulations, Graduates!"  I am just asking for it, aren't I?

3.  see #1

4.  It took her three tries to correctly record my 10 digit phone number.  She said that she was having such a hard time, "cause those first three numbers are different than around here."

5.  I had to slowly, oh so slowly, spell out each word to be written on the cake, and at one time had to tell her that her lowercase "d" was actually a "b."

6.  It is going to have "ligt blue triming" and "pastell colors"

Go check out the sight.  Maybe you'll see our cake in a few days!


Stephanie Coyne said...

oh, dear.

Anonymous said...

I look at this blog everyday at work now as a form of mid-day gigglefest.

Can't wait to see the 3 of you! Wish it was all 4!
Love Mimi