Saturday, May 1, 2010


It's deployment time.  And somehow, a 60 day deployment has developed into a 100 day tour.  "Advon" is a naughty word in our house.

Mike is off to a desert location...highlighted by "near beer" and 120 plus degree temperatures.  Be safe, babe.  We will miss you!


Anonymous said...

Absolutely precious photos.
Linda Miner

Stephanie Coyne said...

UGH. Cue the sad daddy pics! Hang in there lady! You. are. a. rock. BUT allow yourself some time to be a puddle. A wine-drinking, chocolate-eating, internet-shopping puddle.

Thinking about you!

yimkids said...

it must be so hard to do that, but I think you are amazing! I hope to see ya this summer in MI in passing, barring no broken bones!!! ;)