Wednesday, July 13, 2011

OK, OK. I'll Try.

To blog again.  It's just that somewhere between birthdays and T-Ball and teaching and homework few things had to give.  And since they were definitely NOT going to be neurotically vacuuming my house, drinking beer, and drinking beer while vacuuming my house, it appears that blogging may have slipped through the cracks.  But I will try.  I will try to get back into it, as this is the closest thing to a babybook that my kids will ever have.  Basically, me mocking them in typeface, for all the world (or the two people who will check this who actually haven't totally written me off) to see.  I'll go put a few more dollars in the future therapy fund after I post this.

Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, screams the 4th of July like weird hats, homemade bike decorations, and crashing a golf cart parade!  Happy Birthday, America!

1 comment:

Susannah said...

She's BACK BABY!!!