Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I Think I Feel A Wreck Coming On....

My great friend Steph sent this link along to me a few months, and many, many laughs ago.  If you have never checked out


then please do yourself a favor.  Get a good cup of coffee, a comfy chair, and peruse.  My thoughts turn to cakes, as I am picking one up tomorrow morning in preparation for our preschool graduation.  I do not have high hopes.  Here are come factors involved:

1.  It is from Wal-mart.

2.  It is supposed to read:  "Congratulations, Graduates!"  I am just asking for it, aren't I?

3.  see #1

4.  It took her three tries to correctly record my 10 digit phone number.  She said that she was having such a hard time, "cause those first three numbers are different than around here."

5.  I had to slowly, oh so slowly, spell out each word to be written on the cake, and at one time had to tell her that her lowercase "d" was actually a "b."

6.  It is going to have "ligt blue triming" and "pastell colors"

Go check out the sight.  Maybe you'll see our cake in a few days!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Well, Now I Know...

If I ever wondered what my boys really thought of me, well, wonder no more.   This, apparently, is what I look like, according to Mitch.  Complete with earrings and a necklace (I attribute that certain Frankensteinish look to my accessories).
Mitch also gave me a new purse.

And then Matty answered a few questions about yours truly.

Not bad, Matty.  You get bonus points for the treadmill and lettuce comments, but you were incorrect about the money situation going on in my purse.  I also am not quite sure how to take the idea that the sole reason that you love me does not involve me taking care of you or comforting you or playing with you or cooking for you or cleaning for you or laughing at you as you put on your undies and run around the house yelling, "Captain Underpants!"  My redeeming quality is that I love your daddy, who is definitely your best buddy.  Not quite sure how to take that!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Slight Hiccups...

So, Mike has been gone about 11 1/2 days, but seriously, who is counting?

So far, I have had two slight emotional hiccups....no breakdowns or hysterics or sobbing...just momentary feelings of "Oh, man.  I wish he were here."

Here are the circumstances surrounding each:

*At Wal-mart (I know, I know), I was on autopilot, just going about our normal Wal-mart business.  Mindlessly filling the cart with our household staples.  Yelling at kids to put back the neon purple Pop-Tarts.  The usual.  I reached for the Arizona Iced-Tea that Mike drinks, put it in the cart, and then thought, "Shoot.  He's the only one that drinks it" and then had to put it back on the shelf.  Pitiful.

*While driving in the car, our song came on.  Everlong, by the FooFighters.  When we first met?  First date?  First song at our wedding?  Nope, nope, and nope.  Everlong is our song...our Guitar Hero song.  The one where I become Domestica and he becomes Rock Daddy and we totally rock that thing out like teenagers on a Friday night while our kids snore in their beds.  That song.  I silently played air guitar while a tear silently slid down my cheek.

OK, not really, but it was sad hearing that song and knowing that he was not here for me to kick his butt at GH.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Howdy there,. from single parent land.  Shhh....don't tell my house, but it has been about 9 days, and so far, nothing has broken.  Murphy's Law of the Military Spouse clearly states that:  "Upon deployment, all systems of a home will work together to wreak havoc upon the remaining spouse, including, but not limited to:  chirping smoke detectors, broken appliances (preferably with water spewing out), leaking faucets, inoperable garage doors, and, most importantly, faulty heating and cooling devices.  It is also at this time that there is a general increase in accounts of things getting jammed, stuck, loose, twisted, unhooked, and broken.  Please also realize that nature is also incorporated into this law, as there is also an increase in household pests, such as spiders."  Well, so far, so good.  I'll keep you posted on what does decide to break...

Here are some photos from Mike's birthday.  WooWee, that's a lot of smoke from all those candles!

And then before he left, we took a little weekend trip to the ocean.  We headed to Fripp Island, which is down by Beaufort in the gorgeous low country.  It is a cute little island, named for a sea captain or a pirate or a whale or something.  We rented a little house that came complete with a view like this...

wildlife like this...

and the best part of all...GOLF CARTS!

We zipped all around that little island and had a blast.  We did have to chuckle at one point, however, when our "Yankee" children were at a playground.  They were playing on a wooden ship, which quickly became their shrimp boat and they were hauling in their nets to see their fresh catch of the day! 

Next up, Mother's Day...here's a sneak peak....aren't I lovely?

Saturday, May 1, 2010


It's deployment time.  And somehow, a 60 day deployment has developed into a 100 day tour.  "Advon" is a naughty word in our house.

Mike is off to a desert location...highlighted by "near beer" and 120 plus degree temperatures.  Be safe, babe.  We will miss you!