Monday, February 8, 2010

On sickness...

Well, I had a nagging feeling in my throat Saturday night, and then woke up a few hours later with body aches, a throat on fire, and chills like I was in the Arctic circle.  I knew it....Strep Throat. 

Mike had to work yesterday, so I spent most of the day with the boys lying on the couch in the fetal position and trying valiantly to get someone to write me a script for a Z-pac (but failing miserably).  There may or may not have been a moan heard a time or two.  But I was good.  I sent Mike to his weekly hockey game after work, even.  But by the time he got home, I was beyond miserable.  I mean, I didn't even touch a vacuum cleaner in over 12 hours, so Mike knew it was bad.  He found me an urgent care clinic miles away, and I headed there.  Came home two hours later with some anti-biotics, and through the miracles of Tylenol and Motrin (hang in there, liver) I am functioning.  Mike has been taking care of everything around the house.  He made the carpool run to school this morning.  Made Mitch's lunch.  Everything.

Matty has had a rash on his face for a week and a runny nose.  Mike took him to the doctor this morning.  Also Strep.  But he is handling it WAY better than his mama.  It hits adults worse, right?

So, I am now back in action fully.  The coddling has stopped.  I have been shown up by a three year old.  No more lying around.  No more moaning. Time to vacuum.

Mike dropped off Matty's script this morning, and I just took Matty to go pick it up.  I gave him his first dose of the pink stuff.  He likes the pink stuff.  He really does, but he balked at it this time.  Big time.  There was a slight wrestling match, in which I was yelling things like, "Swallow it!  All of it!  Do not spit it out, or I swear I will..."  You get the idea.  Then the phone rings.  Here is the pharmacist.

Pharmacist:  "Ma'am.  Could you please check the bottles of the antibiotic I just mixed up for you to see if one bottle is thicker than the other.  I think I only put in half the water I was 'sposed to after the one bottle done busted on me."

Me:  "WHAT?  Yes, one bottle is much thicker, and I just gave it to my little boy!"

Pharamcist:  "Oh, it should be fine, ma'am.  Just bring it by sometime and I'll put some more water in it.  He might just get an upset stomach or somethin' but he should be fine."

Oh, good to know we are in good hands.  Time to vacuum.


yimkids said...

i hope you feel better! Should I know something about you and vacuums? Is it a sickness in of itself? ;)

The Brown Family said...

Mommy's should not get sick. ever. it is cruel and unusual punishment. hope you are feeling better!