Did you think I had fallen in a giant hole or something? Gotten lost in the vast recesses of Wal-Mart (nah- I know that place like the back of my hand). Nope- just incredibly busy. Too busy to blog, apparently. My kids have not stopped being weird, but I have run out of time to document their oddities, so I am trying to catch up....junk drawer style. Here are some things you should know.
*I am employed. I teach a 4-year-old preschool class five days a week. It is the same school where Matty attends, so we drop Mitch off at kindergarten and drive to school together. He helps me get my room ready, and then I bring him downstairs to his class. It is a dream. I occasionally see him here and there and get to observe him with his peers. He rarely sees me, as he is just busy being his happy-go-lucky, completely unobservant self. I am loving my little preschool class and it feels wonderful to be back in the classroom. I fight daily, however, the atrophy that has happened in my brain over the last three years. I blame the children. Dust bunnies in my house are rejoicing. They now have a fighting chance.
Here Matty is on his big first day of school. He was ecstatic because it had rained approximately fourteen drops, so he got to wear his new raincoat.
*Our computer has made it impossible to blog. Every time I have the gall to ask it to do something such as "scroll down," it puts up a huge fight. The hourglass or doom comes up and I have to wait and wait and wait. Seriously, people it has to THINK to scroll. Ah, technology. Finally, it scrolls down, but by that time I have already left the room in search of a stiff drink. So,please bear with my. I am typing in anger.
*Today at school, after all the children had left, Matty fell into the potty...with the stall door locked from the inside. I actually considered going OVER first, but then decided that the only way in was UNDER. So I went under. Right next to the boys urinal. See, Matty. I love you buckets.
*I attended the kindergarten "Curriculum Night" last evening. Mike stayed home with the kids. I returned home to find this hockey game, already in progress. Here is Mitch in his homemade hockey uniform. Not sure I have ever seen an NHL'er in Speedo swim goggles and rubber rain boots. And don't even get me started on the garbage bag for a uniform! But, he was running all around, handling the stick well and shooting goals like a pro. Looks like we need to investigate further. Thanks a lot, Derby family!
BBBOOONNNGGG! Oh, there's the horn. Time to clear the ice. Here comes the Zamboni driver.
Peed my pants just a little at the last picture. PRICELESS!
And you're welcome about the hockey!
This blog entry was the best birthday present ever!
Love Mimi
You have me rolling! That was hilarious! We need more like those!
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