Monday, January 5, 2009

The Birds and the Bees...and the Hammers...

According to Mitch.

Here is an excerpt from our bedtime conversation two minutes ago.

Mitch: "Mom, God has a store up in the clouds with all kinds of little boys. And he has a store of all kinds of little girls. And then he picks one out and he sends it down to you. And he picked me out and sent me down and I was really little and I flew into your mouth and I went down a big, big slide and splashed down into your tummy with all of the food. And then I grew in there, and then when I was big enough, I used all of my hammers to climb back out and it probably hurt you a little bit with all of those hammers but that is the only way out. And then you had a little baby Mitch. Right, Mom?"

Me: "Uh, sure."


Stephanie Coyne said...

Now Mitch has got e all worried about labor pain and those hammers.... in some ways, he is so spot-on. Frightening really.

Van Brunt Family said...

If you ever have another kiddo, then you must play "Hammer Time" in the delivery room...otherwise, maybe we should send Stephanie a CD. :)