Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat

Halloween, 2008-

Started with the Boo at the Zoo. It was GREAT! Very well done, lots of nice people, and fun animals. The elephants were even running! (Mitch believes it is becuase he roared at them and scared them.)

Here are some photos from the big night.
Mitch was a "meat eater dinosaur" despite the "Dragon" label that the costume may or may not have come with. He corrected several people throughout the evening pertaining to his "meat eater" status. Get it right, people!
Matty wanted to be something green also. So, he was an ebay special.

Here they are- all business- with their friend Logan. Mike and I were on the sidewalk, yelling, "Use your manners!" for approximately the ka-zillionth time that evening.


Van Brunt Family said...

Wow, they're making meat eating dinos pretty cute these days. Hugs to all our favorite Ferrarios!

yimkids said...

cute green kiddos! Love the warmth of matty's outfit. He's good to wear it. Wesley would have had a fit!