Thursday, October 23, 2008

An Answer For Everything...

5 minutes ago...Note Mitch's new nickname for me.

Mitch: "Mom, will you come build me a house out of pillows on the couch?"

Me: "Sure, bud. I'll be right there. I'm putting Matty to bed for his nap."

Mitch: "No, Mom! Right now!"

And then, he did it. He chopped me. He hit me on the leg, while sporting a very frustrated and mean face. Great. He does not hit often, but I really wanted to make a big deal of this and teach him that it is not acceptable. So....I sent him to his room, waited a bit, went in to talk to him, blah blah blah. Well, this is how it went.

Me: "Do you know why you are in time out?"

Mitch: "Yeah. I chopped you on the leg. I wanted to break you into 5 pieces."

Me (wanting to really get my point across): "If you chopped me into 5 pieces, then I would not be alive anymore." Ha- that will show him!

Mitch: "Oh. It's OK. I would then get glue and glue you back together, little buddy."

Me: "No. It wouldn't work. I would not be alive."

Mitch: "OK then. I would go and get the stuff that Jesus used to make you, and then I would use that to put you back together, because if Jesus used it, it will definitely work."

Me (exasperated): "Fine. Just don't hit, OK."

Mitch: "OK, little buddy."

1 comment:

Van Brunt Family said...

Oh, heck. Little buddy? Surely, living in the South, you could one up him for some fun...honey pie or sugar dumpling, anyone?

Cute kiddos, my dear. Thanks for the laughs!