I do not like change. However, I was having a whole heap of trouble trying to upload pictures onto the old blog. I would type a witty and charming entry (really...they were), try to throw a couple of photos to round it out, and it would disappear. All my hard work! Gone! To be replaced with boring blog entries that I just put on out of sheer frustration (that's what you've been getting lately. Sorry).
But, no more! New site! New format! New auto-save feature! And, it is free...as opposed to the hefty $4.95 per month that I was paying before. Think of all the dough I will save! In five months, I will have enough for a pedi!
So let's get started with a photorama- Here is our trip to the local zoo. We are now members, as it would have been $30 for all of us to get in for one day...or...$74 for unlimited admissions for one year, 12...yes 12 free passes for our friends and family (so if you come visit us, please plan on going to the zoo!) and (this is the best part!) advanced registration for the boys for Zoo Camp next summer. Mitch can go to a program for 4-5 year olds, and Matty can go for 2-3 year olds. How perfect! So now, we are zoo members. Zooligans if you will, and, yes, you will.
Here are some photos from our trip.
Here is Matty, looking into an aquarium, pointing and yelling out, "Shark! Shark! Look, a shark!" Well, it was actually a giant catfish, but I was not about to argue. Well, actually, I did argue, but I lost. He kept insisting that it was a shark, and I gave up!
Here are the men looking at elephants.
Here is Mitch (sideways....sorry. I will work on that) with his homemade binoculars. Pretty snazzy, eh?
And here was my favorite part!!!!
Ha! I found it! AND it looks lovely! Actually far easier to read than mine. The zoo looks too cute. I can't wait to visit and show James the catfish sharks.
Diggin' the new blog! By the way, we are the proud parents of a baby triceratops (according to my nephews). Has your baby hatched, yet? Oh, good times. Great seeing you guys, and hopefully we can do it again in August!
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