I had the distinct pleasure of attending the Mother's Day Luncheon at Mitch's school this morning. I was really looking forward to some special time with just the two of us, and NOT having to chase a two-year-old around. Matty, I love you dearly, but you are hell on wheels.
This morning, I laid out a charming outfit for Mitch. Nice khaki shorts, a brand-new polo shirt, respectable socks that matched...he came down dressed in a fire truck T-shirt and old shorts. Whatever. So what if the girls all had sundresses and sandals and the boys were wearing church clothes...I even saw a sweater vest, and there was quite a bit of darling argyle to be seen. But not my child. Fire trucks it is!
When we arrived, he presented me with a handmade necklace, and escorted me to my seat. I knew it was my seat because it had a picture of me taped to the back of it. See?

The funny part is, two portrait rejects were sent home this week. They did not make the cut. One had a giant green Kleenex attached to my face, and the other one had a huge purple spiderweb all over my face. Asking around, I realized that no one else had to redo their portrait, let along twice! That's Mitch for you!

We had a very nice lunch, where he showered me with gifts. Here is an excerpt from a darling book he made. This is the Q & A section where he lets out our dirty family secrets.
What color is your mommy's hair?
BrownWhat color are her eyes? BrownHow tall is your mommy? 689 feetDo you know how much she weighs?
Ummm...I think 600 pounds.Your mommy is really smart. What is something that she knows a lot about?
Fixing cars...and I'm really, really good at fixing lots of things.What is something that really bothers her?
When I am bad to my brother...I push on him. But he does some things wrong and I need him to stop.What is mommy's favorite color?
I'd say pink. Girls like pink and boys like blue, except me...I like green best.What is soemthing your mommy likes to do for fun?
Play with me...that's the best answer I think.What is mommy's favorite food?
I don't know. I never see her eating.What is mommy's favorite TV show?
Cartoons- Mickey Mouse and Bob the BuilderHow old is your mommy?
600, that's how old her isWhen is her birthday?
June- yeah, June I think.What is your favorite food that mommy cooks at home?
Corn on the cob.How does she cook it?
She cooks it ahen you get it out of the garden. But I don't know how she'd get it from the garden...but it didn't ever grow yet.What do you andyour mommy like to do together?
Play farm.What does your mommy do during the day?
Go places, but I don't know where. I'm at school and she doesn't tell me. She likes to go to Walmart. We go every day. She likes Walmart, but she goes to lots of plces to buy things.What does mommy love to do?
Play with me.If your mommy had one wish, what do you think she would wish for?
I;d say to be a farmer...oh yeah, or a dancer...a farmer AND a dancer!You mommy is the best mommy because....
her plays with me a lot.HUGE bonus points, my son, for saying that you never see me eating. Very nice. I will overlook the 600 pound comment. For now....
Then the children performed two songs, in which they were instructed to look at their mommies and sing to them about giving them hugs and kisses and love. Totally cute, right. I glanced around to see all of the little girls staring right into their mommie's eyes, singing their hearts out, mommies everywhere dabbing at eyelids with Kleenex. My son stared straight at his best friend, Luke, and sang to him the whole time. In a weird robot voice. During the second song, in which they were singing, "I believe that Jesus...." Mitch and Luke engaged in a we-are-so-not-into-this-headlock. Nice. Typical. Whatever.
All in all, it was a lovely morning. I feel very blessed to be the mother of two wonderful boys. They fill me heart and soul...all 600 pounds of it.