Friday, March 20, 2009
Camping on the Trail
A Conversation From Our Home...
Me: "My, you are very whiny. Why are you whining?"
Matty, yelling toward the kitchen: "Those are NOT raisins!"
Mike, yelling from the kitchen: "Yes, they ARE raisins!"
Did I miss something here?
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
More of the Drawer...
*A while back, the weather was not nice and we had a stay-inside-and-clean-out-the-closets-day. When you clean out the closets, you never know what kind of "treasures" you will unearth. Matthew found this, and this is how he spent the day. Nap, dinner, and all. He was oh, so pleased with himself when he discovered he had a tail.
*They also were enthralled by the machine that squishes a penny and turns it into a souvenir with a picture of a shark on it. Matty liked his so much that, while during a momentary lapse in adult supervision, he ran away and tried to jam it into the working mechanisms of the escalator.
*Here are Mitch and Papa walking in the aquarium. Does anyone else out there have really weird kids, too?
*I had the opportunity to sub a few weeks back in Mitch's class alongside the beloved Ms. Pam. For President's Day, Ms. Pam read them a story all about George Washington...the hatchet, the cherry tree, I can not tell a lie, the whole nine yards. Then, they made a George out of paper and cotton balls for hair. She did a great job presenting the lesson and story and having the kids create the art project. Really, I was there. It was great. When we got home, I said,
Me: "Mitch, tell Dad all about George Washington."
Mitch: "I don't know."
Me: "What did he do? What kind of tool did he use?"
Mitch: "A tape measure."
Me (holding up his George artwork): "Mitch, who is this?"
Mitch: "A pirate. ARRGHHH!"
*Grandma Julie recently sent the boys a beautiful amaryllis bulb for them to plant, water, and watch grow. Mitch, with his inner farmer yearning to break free, took matters into his own hands. "Don't worry, Mom. I opened up the flower and found a vase and everything. It's all set!" Nice.