We are all about the Olympics here. The boys and I watch them, speak of them,
reenact them often. Can you blame us? They are exciting. They are historic. And, being most probably the
least athletic person on the planet, I feel that, perhaps, the act of exposing my children to all of these different sporting events may, on some level, allow them to compensate for half of their genes being ones who shut their eyes while trying to catch a ball or trip over their own little gene-feet while in motion. Maybe, just maybe.
Here are some Olympic moments from around our house.
Mitch: "When I get big, I am going to watch the Olympics for hours and hours, all night, even until the next morning."
Me (encouraging big dreams): "You know, buddy. You could work hard and you could
be in the Olympics."
Mitch: "Oh no! I will be too busy being a garbage man."
Mitch met a new friend at the pool the other night. Her name was
Kilawny and she was 5. She
informed me that her mother got her name online. She and Mitch held their own Olympic swimming events. Mitch was favored in the "Must wear
floaties and can not go past the 3 1/2 foot tile marker in the pool and I will race you to the stairs- a distance of approximately 2 meters" event. He ended up taking the silver, but had a great time. They took turns awarding each other invisible medals. It was precious. Matty and I hummed the Star Spangled Banner.
OK- I made that last part up.
And, here are some photo highlights of the Olympics.
Matty participating in soccer. Apparently, his soccer idol is Brandy

Here are highlight from Mitch's
gymnastics routine. And have I mentioned lately that he is all about picking out his own clothes to wear everyday. I wish that I could attribute this outfit to some sort of special
gymnastic routine uniform, but no. He looks like this every day. In public.

And, then, in an unfortunate I-was-otherwise-preoccupied-and-could-not-monitor-the-television-and-the-hooligans-caught-a-glimpse-of-
Greco-Roman-wrestling-incident, THIS ensued. And, no, I have no idea about the Mickey Mouse hat. It must be the equivalent of the "Roots beret" from the planet that he represents.

Speaking of hats, we were outside playing Olympic soccer yesterday, Mitch went in to go to the bathroom, and came out five minutes later wearing this, and inviting me to his restaurant. How about an Olympic medal for losing trains of thought. You are looking at the world record holder.

And, the final Olympic event I would like to highlight is the Erector Set Olympics. From time to time, you know that I like to document the architectural feats of the hooligans. Mitch is certainly a future
LegoLand employee of the month, and Matty is all kinds of a train builder. Well, I love to point out when people in this family work hard to put things together. Especially when the people are so completely left brained it is not funny, and making a forklift out of these plastic
doohickies and nuts and bolts actually made smoke come out of the ears. Yes, it was me, and it was difficult. And I am damn proud of it!